
Mobile Health Map is more than a website. It is a virtual network that shows the impact of mobile health clinics on the people and communities you serve. It is also an online portal with tools to help clinics like yours easily get useful and relevant information to show your success in meeting health needs within your community and within the larger healthcare system.

Joining Mobile Health Map is free and easy to do. Once you register, you can begin using the online tools by entering your data. Mobile Health Map will quickly calculate important statistics – like return on investment (ROI) and number of life years saved—that can be used to demonstrate your program’s worth to funders and community leaders.

As part of the Mobile Health Map network, your data will also be pooled with data from other mobile clinics across the nation to show the impact of mobile health services on our healthcare system overall. Currently, over 700 clinics across the country have joined Mobile Health Map. With an estimated 2000 clinics out there, our aim is to double the number of clinics joining the network over the next year. With your participation, we can work together to grow and expand the strength of local programs and the promise of mobile health as a vital healthcare service sector.